

O・ヘンリー「緑の扉」(THE GREEN DOOR) その2

https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/04/29/153808 からの続き






Rudolf Steiner was a true adventurer. Few were the evenings on which he did not go forth from his hall bedchamber in search of the unexpected and the egregious. The most interesting thing in life seemed to him to be what might lie just around the next corner. Sometimes his willingness to tempt fate led him into strange paths. Twice he had spent the night in a station-house; again and again he had found himself the dupe of ingenious and mercenary tricksters; his watch and money had been the price of one flattering allurement. But with undiminished ardour he picked up every glove cast before him into the merry lists of adventure.





One evening Rudolf was strolling along a crosstown street in the older central part of the city. Two streams of people filled the sidewalks—the home-hurrying, and that restless contingent that abandons home for the specious welcome of the thousand-candle-power table d'hôte.



The young adventurer was of pleasing presence, and moved serenely and watchfully. By daylight he was a salesman in a piano store. He wore his tie drawn through a topaz ring instead of fastened with a stick pin; and once he had written to the editor of a magazine that "Junie's Love Test" by Miss Libbey, had been the book that had most influenced his life.


(ミス・リビー Laura Jean Libbeyは実在のダイムノベル作家(1ダイム=10セント=現代の日本でいうと数百円くらいで買える大衆娯楽小説) cf. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/5201 当時都市部で急増した安い賃金で働く若い女性を主な読者とするワーキングガール小説作家として多くの著作をものにし、いくつかの作品はのちに映画化もされたらしい。家族の助けなしに働く女の子が意地悪なライバルの嫉妬による妨害を受けつつも、立派な男性に見初められて幸福を掴むといったような筋立てのものがほとんどで、現代ではほとんど顧みられることのない作家のようである。ここであげられたJunie's Love Test もまたニューヨークを舞台にした恋愛小説のようだ。当時の人ならそんな作家を若い男が好んで読んでいるということに唐突感というか何らかの意図があると思うのだろうが、今となっては…)


During his walk a violent chattering of teeth in a glass case on the sidewalk seemed at first to draw his attention (with a qualm), to a restaurant before which it was set; but a second glance revealed the electric letters of a dentist's sign high above the next door. A giant negro, fantastically dressed in a red embroidered coat, yellow trousers and a military cap, discreetly distributed cards to those of the passing crowd who consented to take them.



This mode of dentistic advertising was a common sight to Rudolf. Usually he passed the dispenser of the dentist's cards without reducing his store; but tonight the African slipped one into his hand so deftly that he retained it there smiling a little at the successful feat.



When he had travelled a few yards further he glanced at the card indifferently. Surprised, he turned it over and looked again with interest. One side of the card was blank; on the other was written in ink three words, "The Green Door." And then Rudolf saw, three steps in front of him, a man throw down the card the negro had given him as he passed. Rudolf picked it up. It was printed with the dentist's name and address and the usual schedule of "plate work" and "bridge work" and "crowns," and specious promises of "painless" operations.



https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/01/224320 へ続く