

O・ヘンリー「緑の扉」(THE GREEN DOOR) その3

https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/04/30/152541 からの続き






The adventurous piano salesman halted at the corner and considered. Then he crossed the street, walked down a block, recrossed and joined the upward current of people again. Without seeming to notice the negro as he passed the second time, he carelessly took the card that was handed him. Ten steps away he inspected it. In the same handwriting that appeared on the first card "The Green Door" was inscribed upon it. Three or four cards were tossed to the pavement by pedestrians both following and leading him. These fell blank side up. Rudolf turned them over. Every one bore the printed legend of the dental "parlours."


(dental "parlours." のパーラーは、フルーツパーラーだののパーラーと同じで、ここではcolour等と同様、イギリス式にuが入っている。どういう意図があってクォート付きで書いているのかわからない。もとはおしゃべりを楽しむサロンなどと同じようなニュアンスの言葉だったらしく、歯科医を「デンタルクリニック」とかでなく「デンタルパーラー」とすることで、趣味の悪い歯の模型といい、なにかからかうようなニュアンスになっているのではないかと思われるが… → 講談社英語文庫の巻末で、横山千晶専任講師が「客間風に設備してある、というニュアンス」と解説していた。自称無痛治療の件といい、患者をお客さん扱いするサービス精神にあふれた歯医者ってことじゃろか。なおこの横山千晶さんは、同姓同名でなければおそらく慶應義塾大学の法学部教授でイギリス文化・文学が専門の人。最後の一葉の解説本も出している)


Rarely did the arch sprite Adventure need to beckon twice to Rudolf Steiner, his true follower. But twice it had been done, and the quest was on.




Rudolf walked slowly back to where the giant negro stood by the case of rattling teeth. This time as he passed he received no card. In spite of his gaudy and ridiculous garb, the Ethiopian displayed a natural barbaric dignity as he stood, offering the cards suavely to some, allowing others to pass unmolested. Every half minute he chanted a harsh, unintelligible phrase akin to the jabber of car conductors and grand opera. And not only did he withhold a card this time, but it seemed to Rudolf that he received from the shining and massive black countenance a look of cold, almost contemptuous disdain.



The look stung the adventurer. He read in it a silent accusation that he had been found wanting. Whatever the mysterious written words on the cards might mean, the black had selected him twice from the throng for their recipient; and now seemed to have condemned him as deficient in the wit and spirit to engage the enigma.




https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/05/173957 へ続く