

O・ヘンリー「緑の扉」(THE GREEN DOOR) その4

https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/01/224320 からの続き






Standing aside from the rush, the young man made a rapid estimate of the building in which he conceived that his adventure must lie. Five stories high it rose. A small restaurant occupied the basement.


(後々のルドルフの行動などを見ると、「半地下構造で、地階を入れて5階」のような気がする。原文に「半地下」という記述はないが、ルドルフが「きびきびと高い石の階段を上がり、建物の中に入った」とあるので、1階(アメリカ式にはfirst floor)が少し高くなっているようではある。これは欧米で見られる半地下構造の建物の特徴だ)


The first floor, now closed, seemed to house millinery or furs. The second floor, by the winking electric letters, was the dentist's. Above this a polyglot babel of signs struggled to indicate the abodes of palmists, dressmakers, musicians and doctors. Still higher up draped curtains and milk bottles white on the window sills proclaimed the regions of domesticity.


(1階が地階のレストランで、2階が衣料品店、3階が歯医者や手相見、仕立て屋など。そして4階と5階に個人が居住…ではないのかなあと。それとも歯医者がやたら大きくて、手相見や仕立て屋は上の階なのだろうか? あるいは3、4、5階が住居なのか…)


After concluding his survey Rudolf walked briskly up the high flight of stone steps into the house. Up two flights of the carpeted stairway he continued; and at its top paused. The hallway there was dimly lighted by two pale jets of gas—one far to his right, the other nearer, to his left. He looked toward the nearer light and saw, within its wan halo, a green door. For one moment he hesitated; then he seemed to see the contumelious sneer of the African juggler of cards; and then he walked straight to the green door and knocked against it.





Moments like those that passed before his knock was answered measure the quick breath of true adventure. What might not be behind those green panels! Gamesters at play; cunning rogues baiting their traps with subtle skill; beauty in love with courage, and thus planning to be sought by it; danger, death, love, disappointment, ridicule—any of these might respond to that temerarious rap.

このような、彼のノックに対する反応が現れるまでの時間の経過は、真の冒険の鋭い息遣いを測るものとなる。このような緑色の板の向こうに何が待ち受けているかわからないのだ! 賭博師が勝負の最中かもしれないし;抜け目のない悪党が巧妙な熟練の罠を巡らせて待ち受けているかもしれないし;勇気と愛を兼ね備えた者によって見つけ出されることを望んでいる美女かもしれない;危険、死、愛、失望、嘲笑――これらのどれかが、この向こうみずな呼びかけに応じることになるのだ。

(beauty in love with courage, and thus planning to be sought by it この訳に詰まった。ここのbeautyは本当に「美女」でいいのかなあ)


A faint rustle was heard inside, and the door slowly opened. A girl not yet twenty stood there, white-faced and tottering. She loosed the knob and swayed weakly, groping with one hand. Rudolf caught her and laid her on a faded couch that stood against the wall. He closed the door and took a swift glance around the room by the light of a flickering gas jet. Neat, but extreme poverty was the story that he read.


(A girl NOT YET twenty stood there だから、20歳にはなっていない)


The girl lay still, as if in a faint. Rudolf looked around the room excitedly for a barrel. People must be rolled upon a barrel who—no, no; that was for drowned persons. He began to fan her with his hat. That was successful, for he struck her nose with the brim of his derby and she opened her eyes. And then the young man saw that hers, indeed, was the one missing face from his heart's gallery of intimate portraits. The frank, grey eyes, the little nose, turning pertly outward; the chestnut hair, curling like the tendrils of a pea vine, seemed the right end and reward of all his wonderful adventures. But the face was wofully thin and pale.


(形容詞 wofully の意味がわからぬ。完全な死語らしい。適当に『ひどく]としておいた)

(The Barrel method of resuscitation という樽の上に乗せて呼吸させる蘇生法が昔あったそうな)


The girl looked at him calmly, and then smiled.




https://trnlat.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/22/203343 に続く