

O・ヘンリー「運命の衝撃」(THE SHOCKS OF DOOM) 翻訳中(06)

公開版:運命の衝撃  : 11005m



O・ヘンリー「運命の衝撃」(THE SHOCKS OF DOOM) 翻訳中(05) - ぐるぐる飜譯


"It's undiluted Hades, this city," went on the other. "One day you're eating from china; the next you are eating in China—a chop-suey joint. I've had more than my share of hard luck. For five years I've been little better than a panhandler. I was raised up to live expensively and do nothing. Say—I don't mind telling you—I've got to talk to somebody, you see, because I'm afraid—I'm afraid. My name's Ide. You wouldn't think that old Paulding, one of the millionaires on Riverside Drive, was my uncle, would you? Well, he is. I lived in his house once, and had all the money I wanted. Say, haven't you got the price of a couple of drinks about you—er—what's your name—"

「混じり気なしの地獄だからな、この街は」相手は応じた。「ある日は清の陶磁器で飯を食っていたら、次の日には清の雑炊を食ってるってこともあらあな。俺ももう余分なくらい不運を味わってきたよ。この五年は乞食よりはマシといった具合だった。何ひとつ不自由することなく贅沢三昧できる身分の生まれだったんだがね。だから――もう何も気にせず話しちまうが――とにかく話さないではいられねえんだよ、なにせ恐ろしくて――恐ろしくてよ。俺の名はアイドっていってな。リバーサイドドライブの百万長者のひとり、ポールディング翁が俺のおじきだってことは、あんた、思いもしないだろう? だがそうなんだ。かつて俺はあの屋敷に住んで、望むだけ金を使えたこともあったのさ。そういや、あんたさっき一杯酌み交わす金もねえって言ってたな――えぇと――あんた、名は――」



「清の陶磁器」「清の雑炊」…china(陶磁器のこと。japanが「漆」だったりするのと同じ)と、eating in China(中華料理屋で食べる、ということ。chop-suey チャプスイ=中華風混ぜ煮)だが、O・ヘンリーは中華民国の成立(1912年)より前に亡くなっているし、Chinaを「中国の」とかいうのは正しくはない(ただし自国中心主義としての「中国」という自意識と呼称は古代になかったわけでもないらしい)。といって「シナ」というのはどうだろうか。なお、当時は中国最後の統一王朝「清」だったのであり「秦」ではない。そしてChinaは「秦」から来ているとされる。これも諸説あるけど。


チャプスイは…雑炊? うま煮? 煮込み?


"Dawson," said Vallance. "No; I'm sorry to say that I'm all in, financially."



"I've been living for a week in a coal cellar on Division Street," went on Ide, "with a crook they called 'Blinky' Morris. I didn't have anywhere else to go. While I was out to-day a chap with some papers in his pocket was there, asking for me. I didn't know but what he was a fly cop, so I didn't go around again till after dark. There was a letter there he had left for me. Say—Dawson, it was from a big downtown lawyer, Mead. I've seen his sign on Ann Street. Paulding wants me to play the prodigal nephew—wants me to come back and be his heir again and blow in his money. I'm to call at the lawyer's office at ten to-morrow and step into my old shoes again—heir to three million, Dawson, and $10,000 a year pocket money. And—I'm afraid—I'm afraid."





The vagrant leaped to his feet and raised both trembling arms above his head. He caught his breath and moaned hysterically. Vallance seized his arm and forced him back to the bench.



"Be quiet!" he commanded, with something like disgust in his tones. "One would think you had lost a fortune, instead of being about to acquire one. Of what are you afraid?"




Ide cowered and shivered on the bench. He clung to Vallance's sleeve, and even in the dim glow of the Broadway lights the latest disinherited one could see drops on the other's brow wrung out by some strange terror.



He(アイド) clung to Vallance's sleeve, and even in the dim glow of the Broadway lights the latest disinherited one(最新の遺産を失ったほう=ヴァランス ※古い方の遺産を失った方はアイド) could see drops on the other's(アイド) brow wrung out



"Why, I'm afraid something will happen to me before morning. I don't know what—something to keep me from coming into that money. I'm afraid a tree will fall on me—I'm afraid a cab will run over me, or a stone drop on me from a housetop, or something. I never was afraid before. I've sat in this park a hundred nights as calm as a graven image without knowing where my breakfast was to come from. But now it's different. I love money, Dawson—I'm happy as a god when it's trickling through my fingers, and people are bowing to me, with the music and the flowers and fine clothes all around. As long as I knew I was out of the game I didn't mind. I was even happy sitting here ragged and hungry, listening to the fountain jump and watching the carriages go up the avenue. But it's in reach of my hand again now—almost—and I can't stand it to wait twelve hours, Dawson—I can't stand it. There are fifty things that could happen to me—I could go blind—I might be attacked with heart disease—the world might come to an end before I could—"


訳者の理解(もしくは無知無理解):…a hundred nightsは「何百の夜」と訳していいんですかね?


Ide sprang to his feet again, with a shriek. People stirred on the benches and began to look. Vallance took his arm.



"Come and walk," he said, soothingly. "And try to calm yourself. There is no need to become excited or alarmed. Nothing is going to happen to you. One night is like another."


"That's right," said Ide. "Stay with me, Dawson—that's a good fellow. Walk around with me awhile. I never went to pieces like this before, and I've had a good many hard knocks. Do you think you could hustle something in the way of a little lunch, old man? I'm afraid my nerve's too far gone to try any panhandling."

「そうだな」アイドは言った。「一緒にいてくれよ、ドウスン――仲間だろ。しばらく一緒に歩いてくれ。こんなになったのは初めてなんだよ、今までたくさんひどい目も喰らったってのに。なんとか腹に入れられるものを手に入れるあてはないかね、大将? もうくたびれ果てちまって、物乞いしようにもできないんだ」



O・ヘンリー「運命の衝撃」(THE SHOCKS OF DOOM) 翻訳中(07) - ぐるぐる飜譯